Themes & Dreams
Unicorns & Rainbows
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn,
then always be a unicorn
Mermaids Spotted!
Ahoy! Be a mermaid and make waves.
Sweet Treats & Dessert Dreams
Bringing Candyland to a whole new level!
Dino World!
You’re gonna hear me Rawr!
Nerf Wars
Darts and target practice!
Campout Fireside
Bringing the outdoors, indoors!
Winter Wonderland
Let it go! Let it go!
Spa Night
Get pampered for a relaxing spa night
with the girls!
Enchanted Garden
Roses, twinkle lights and gold make for
the most enchanted vibe.
Saving the world one slumber party at a time!
Sports Night
Football, baseball, soccer, SCORE!
Custom Theme
If you have a different dream in mind, we will work together to make it a reality!